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Commonly Used Processors in Camel Routes

In this section, we will explore some commonly used processors in Apache Camel routes. These processors provide out-of-the-box functionality and simplify the implementation of common integration patterns. Understanding and utilizing these processors will enhance your ability to build robust and efficient integration solutions. Let’s dive into the details of these commonly used processors with code samples.

3.2.1 Splitter Processor:
The Splitter processor allows you to split a message into multiple parts based on a specified delimiter or expression. This is particularly useful when dealing with batch processing or when you need to process individual elements of a collection. Let’s see an example:


In this example, the split().tokenize("\n") statement splits the message into multiple parts based on the newline delimiter. Each part is then sent to the “splitQueue” endpoint.

3.2.2 Aggregator Processor:
The Aggregator processor allows you to aggregate multiple messages into a single message. This is commonly used when you need to consolidate and process data that arrives in separate parts. Let’s consider an example:

.aggregate(constant(true), new MyAggregationStrategy())

In this example, the aggregate(constant(true), new MyAggregationStrategy()) statement aggregates messages using a custom aggregation strategy. The completionSize(10) indicates that the aggregation is complete when 10 messages have been aggregated. Finally, the aggregated message is sent to the “aggregatedQueue” endpoint.

3.2.3 Choice Processor:
The Choice processor allows you to perform conditional routing in your Camel routes. It evaluates predicates to determine the path a message should take based on its content or headers. Let’s see how it works:


In this example, the when().xpath("//order") and when().xpath("//invoice") conditions check the message structure and route the message to the appropriate queue based on its type. If none of the conditions match, the message is sent to the “otherQueue”.

3.2.4 Transform Processor:
The Transform processor allows you to perform data transformation on the message payload. It enables you to convert the message from one format to another using various data formats supported by Camel. Let’s consider an example:


In this example, the transform().jsonpath("$.name") statement extracts the value of the “name” field from a JSON message and sets it as the new message payload. The transformed message is then sent to the “nameQueue” endpoint.

3.2.5 Logger Processor:
The Logger processor allows you to log information about the message being processed at different stages of the route. It is useful for debugging and monitoring purposes. Let’s see an example:

.process(exchange -> {
// Custom processing logic
// ...

// Log message content
exchange.getContext().getLogger().info("Processing message: {}", exchange


In this example, the process statement includes custom processing logic, and the exchange.getContext().getLogger().info logs the message content. The processed message is then sent to the “processedQueue” endpoint.

In this section, we explored some commonly used processors in Apache Camel routes. These processors, including the Splitter, Aggregator, Choice, Transform, and Logger processors, provide essential functionality for message processing and manipulation. Understanding how to use these processors effectively will enable you to implement various integration patterns and handle different scenarios in your integration solutions. In the next section, we will delve into error handling and fault tolerance mechanisms in Camel routes.

About Author
Ozzie Feliciano CTO @ Felpfe Inc.

Ozzie Feliciano is a highly experienced technologist with a remarkable twenty-three years of expertise in the technology industry.

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